When Should Children Be Seen By An Orthodontist?
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that a child’s first visit to an orthodontist should be no later than 7 yrs of age if an orthodontic problem is detected.
This enables an early examination to detect and evaluate problems and plan appropriate treatment at the optimal time.
Orthodontic problems to look for in 11 -13 year olds:
- Skeletal discrepancies
- Marked overjets
- Deep or reduced overbites
- Centreline discrepancies
- Buccal segment discrepancies
- Crowding
- Spacing
- Anterior and posterior crossbites
- Missing teeth
- Unerupted teeth.
Orthodontic problems to look for in 7 -10 year olds
- Moderate to severe skeletal discrepancies
- Delayed eruption
- Infraocclusion or submergence
- Large overjets
- Deep overbites
- Centreline discrepancies
- Crowding
- Crossbites
- Impacted first molars or canines
- First molars of poor prognosis
- Persistent habits
- Abnormal soft tissue patterns.